A lady doctor talking to a patient. #negative patient reviews

How Negative Patient Reviews Can Cost Your Practice Big Time

It’s no longer a secret that online reviews are essential for your healthcare practice. Interestingly, it has also become a common practice for potential patients to look for negative patient reviews. According to a report by PowerReviews, 96% of consumers pay close attention to negative reviews to get a balanced look at what they can expect from a product or service.

Prospective patients can read about the experiences of others and get an idea of what to expect from a particular healthcare provider. 

You must know how influential these reviews are to protect your practice’s online reputation. You simply cannot underestimate the power of online reviews!

In this blog post, we will explore:

  • How negative patient reviews can cost your practice
  • Strategies to protect yourself from negative reviews
  • How to boost your online reputation


Table of Contents:

7 Costs of Negative Patient Reviews 

  1. Reputation Damage
  2. Decreased Patient Trust and Loss of Patients
  3. Difficulty Attracting New Patients 
  4. Negative Impact on Referrals 
  5. Impact on Revenue
  6. Loss of Time and Effort
  7. Legal Implications

Tips to Handle Negative Patient Reviews for Doctors

FAQs in Relation to Costs of Negative Patient Reviews



7 Costs of Negative Patient Reviews

Have you wondered what the impact of a negative review is on medical practice? – It can be extremely devastating. From lost revenue to damaged reputations, the consequences of these online critiques are serious and should not be taken lightly.

While there are proactive steps you can take to maintain a good rating on various review sites, there will inevitably be times when someone leaves a bad review about their experience with your practice or service, no matter how hard you try.

When potential patients come across a negative patient review or rating on different review sites, they would normally think twice about booking an appointment. In online reviews statistics, 94% of people have avoided companies with bad reviews.

These patients may be put off by poor customer service experiences or unsatisfactory care that is detailed in these reviews.

The effects of bad reviews go beyond just lost revenue from canceled appointments. Here are the 7 common consequences of negative patient reviews that you should avoid at all costs: 


1. Reputation Damage

Your reputation is directly impacted by online reviews about your healthcare practice, and these reviews can strongly indicate your trustworthiness – an important factor in maintaining your online reputation. 

Having a high volume of negative reviews can influence people’s perception of your practice causing damage to your reputation. It can also diminish the value of your services and practice.

It’s important to monitor your online presence and respond to negative reviews promptly and professionally to avoid further damaging your online reputation.

You can also have your negative reviews removed from your Google Business Profile if the review violates Google’s policies.


2. Decreased Patient Trust and Loss of Patients

Every time a negative review shows up on Google search results, there is a possibility that you will lose potential patients. According to Moz, even a single negative review has the potential to drive away 22% of potential customers

A negative review about your healthcare practice can show up in search results when someone searches for your name or your healthcare organization. Search engines may also prioritize a bad review if the review satisfies user intent. If you leave one negative review without addressing the issue, that review can be seen once a day for 10 years on average! 

Negative reviews can erode patients’ trust in you and make them doubt your ability as a healthcare provider. Patients may question your competence, professionalism, and ability to provide high-quality care. 

The number of negative reviews about your practice can also suggest that you don’t value your patients’ needs and concerns, further eroding their trust. They may assume that their experiences will be similar to those described in negative reviews, leading them to seek care from a different provider. 

Overall, healthcare providers should be proactive in addressing negative reviews, listening to patient feedback, and cultivating positive online reviews to avoid losing patients.  


3. Difficulty Attracting New Patients 

Bad reviews may cancel out your digital patient acquisition efforts and make it more difficult for you to attract new patients, and recruit new staff for healthcare organizations. You need to address negative reviews, encourage positive ones, and focus on patient experience in order to do this. 

It’s never fun to get negative patient reviews, and receiving one can be devastating, especially if you don’t deserve it. It can be tempting to do all kinds of things in response. If you will look at the brighter side, why not try focusing on attracting new patients while addressing the negative patient reviews thrown at you?


4. Negative Impact on Referrals 

Referrals are often made based on the reputation and quality of care provided by a doctor. Referring providers may be less likely to recommend a doctor with negative reviews to their patients. 

Additionally, people referred by other people like friends and family have a 37% higher retention rate than those without referrals according to a survey. If patients have a negative experience, they may less likely to refer others to the same provider. 

This can also impact the doctor’s ability to grow their practice and provide care to more patients.


5. Impact on Revenue 

Negative reviews can adversely affect your medical practice and can have a significant impact on your revenue.

If a healthcare provider has a significant number of negative reviews, it can lead to a decrease in new patient visits, resulting in lost revenue. Many patients will hesitate to book an appointment or use the services of a healthcare provider with many negative patient reviews. 

According to a survey by Software Advice, 84% of patients use online reviews to evaluate physicians, and 77% use online reviews as their first step in finding a new doctor. 

You need to be proactive in addressing negative reviews and taking steps to increase your revenue. 


6. Loss of Time and Effort

Bad reviews can cost a lot of time and effort to track, manage, respond to, and resolve. 

Aside from monitoring negative patient reviews, doctors need to investigate the issue and gather additional information before responding to the review. It can also require a high level of customer service. Healthcare providers must be empathetic, responsive, and understanding in their responses to negative reviews, which can take time and effort too. 

The fact that bad reviews attract more attention than positive ones, the more you should not take them lightly and address them as quickly as possible.


7. Legal Implications

Taking legal action against a reviewer who has posted negative false information about you can incur significant additional expenses, such as court costs and attorney fees.

Responding to negative reviews also requires careful consideration of legal concerns, such as patient privacy laws and defamation laws. Healthcare providers must ensure that their responses do not violate any legal requirements.

Google Ads policy states that providers must not request or pressure people to modify or delete their negative reviews, nor should they threaten people for leaving negative feedback. Google will not tolerate any behavior that could potentially mislead others. 

Overall, even one bad review left unmanaged could hinder prospective patients from deciding whether or not they want to book an appointment with you. To lessen this risk, here are tips for you to combat negative reviews and protect your online reputation.


Key Takeaway: Negative patient reviews can have a devastating impact on healthcare providers, costing them lost revenue and time spent responding to complaints and managing online reputation.


Tips to Handle Negative Patient Reviews for Doctors

Respond to Negative Reviews

Based on a report, 65% of patients say that it’s important for doctors to respond to online reviews. 

When it comes to negative patient reviews, healthcare providers must take a proactive approach to respond quickly and professionally. It will show potential patients that you care about their experience and will prevent them from considering seeking care from another medical practice. 

First, you need to acknowledge the issue and apologize for any inconvenience caused by your practice. Then, offer solutions or alternatives if possible, and make sure that you are listening to what the patient is saying so they feel heard. 

In addition, give out contact details like an email or telephone number for the patient to reach you with any extra issues or queries. 

It is essential to avoid responding defensively or aggressively, as this can exacerbate the situation and damage the healthcare provider’s reputation further.


Proactively Manage Your Online Reputation

Negative patient reviews can have a ripple effect on a doctor’s online reputation, so it’s essential for you to stay ahead of them through online reputation management.

You need to monitor your social media platforms regularly and set up Google Alerts for mentions and new reviews of your practice. Respond promptly to reviews and messages when necessary. Additionally, keep your public profiles up-to-date with details of your healthcare services and opening times. 

You can also start creating a blog or website to give potential patients more information before they book an appointment with you. Use digital marketing techniques such as keyword optimization to ensure more visibility on search engine pages. 


Leverage Positive Patient Experiences to Improve Your Practice

Maintaining a thriving online presence is essential to win over new patients. By actively nurturing your digital reputation and championing the stories of your satisfied patients, you can earn trust and boost your appeal among potential clients. 

You can collect feedback through surveys, interviews, or reviews on third-party review sites like Yelp, Google Reviews, or Track Your Doctor. You can display these reviews on social media outlets such as Facebook or Instagram to demonstrate the quality of your care and provide potential patients with real-life examples of successful treatments and outcomes. 

Encourage your patients to leave reviews on reputable review sites like Track Your Doctor! It shows your potential patients that you are reliable and trustworthy. 

By implementing strategies to manage your online reputation, you can take control of how your practice is perceived by potential patients.


Key Takeaway: It’s crucial for doctors to actively engage with patients and address unfavorable reviews. Being vigilant in tracking social media profiles, ensuring accurate representation, and utilizing the power of SEO to gain prominence on search engine pages are some of the essential components of online reputation management.


FAQs in Relation to Costs of Negative Patient Reviews


What are negative patient reviews, and why do they matter?

Negative patient reviews are a reflection of patients’ poor experience with a healthcare provider’s service. The reviews could be related to various aspects of patient care, such as wait times, communication with doctors, quality of medical treatment, cleanliness, and overall patient experience. Bad reviews can significantly impact a healthcare provider’s reputation, patient acquisition, and revenue.


What are the costs of negative patient reviews to healthcare providers?

The costs of negative patient reviews to healthcare providers can include reduced revenue and patient volume, damage to reputation, loss of trust, decreased referral rates, increased patient anxiety, decreased staff morale, legal liability, negative impact on SEO, and difficulty recruiting new staff.


How can doctors manage negative patient reviews?

By responding promptly and professionally to negative reviews, addressing any issues raised by the patient, and working to resolve the problem.


Can healthcare providers ask patients to remove negative reviews?

Healthcare providers should not pressure patients to remove negative reviews as it can be seen as an attempt to censor negative feedback. However, you may consider communicating directly with your patient to resolve their concerns first before politely asking them to remove or update the review they’ve submitted. 


What should doctors do to prevent negative patient reviews?

By providing high-quality care, addressing any patient concerns promptly, and ensuring that patients feel heard and valued. It is also essential to communicate effectively with patients and provide them with clear and accurate information about their care.



Overall, negative patient reviews can have a significant impact on a healthcare provider’s practice. They can damage the provider’s reputation, lead to decreased patient acquisition, and result in lost revenue. 

Stay informed and take proactive steps to safeguard your online reputation. You must monitor online reviews, respond appropriately to negative feedback, and take steps to address any concerns or complaints. By doing so, you can demonstrate your commitment to your patient and improve your standing in the community.

By leveraging positive patient experiences, implementing strategies to combat negative feedback, and taking control of your online presence, you can protect your practice from the potential issues caused by negative patient reviews. 

Improve your online reputation as a doctor by claiming your profile on one of the best and most well-received review sites such as Track Your Doctor. This allows you to control the information that is displayed about you and your practice, such as contact information and services offered. You can also give potential patients an opportunity to read reviews from other patients and get an idea of what it’s like to book an appointment with you.

Let’s work together to find solutions that can help healthcare providers like you to gain more positive patient reviews and increase patient acquisition!